Thursday, August 21, 2014

Why Scouting Matters to LDS Leaders

A few months ago, Rushford Lee, owner of Research Emotion Design (RED) started asking himself some questions centered on the subject of Scouting and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. How did Scouting relate to Church objectives for youth? Was there a spiritual side to Scouting? Is there really any link between the trail to Eagle and a mission?

After pondering these and others, Lee asked his own stake president some of these questions and was surprised by the answers. This prompted him to embark on a large research project for the Utah National Parks Council, Boy Scouts of America that included focus groups (he called them “love” groups—turns out not all the Scouters who like Scouting, love the Boy Scout Council), including broad surveys to hundreds of LDS Church leaders, who had plenty to say. What followed were many meetings with the council officers to discuss the findings, and in the end, Lee was appointed to Vice President of Marketing for the Council.


When guessing what the most important outcome of Scouting to LDS Church leaders, many thought that becoming Eagle Scouts was at the top of the list. RED found that while having a young man receive his Eagle Scout Award was on the list, it was far from number one.

He also found the most effective way to champion the message of Scouting was through stake presidents and bishops, 80% of whom were Scouts when they were younger and 44% earned their Eagle. Many of these key leaders had been in the trenches as Scout leaders and 61% had been in young men presidencies.

From his research, Lee explained, “Our young men need heroes to look up to. They need role models in their lives, at home and as they grow. Our goal is to help them become men such as the great leaders and teachers around them.”

From this finding, the Utah National Parks Council, BSA responded by incorporating the theme “Becoming such as These.” Which was later turned into an original song composed by R. Ross Boothe which premiered at the Celebration of Eagles this last July.

Lee explained that we need to tie church leaders to Scouting and, “encourage our boys to become men like the key leaders in the church, stakes, wards and Scouting troops; to become men like Christ.”

Lee further clarified “This is what Scouting is meant to be; bringing God into Scouting in a large way and making this tie together. It’s time to make the purpose of Scouting clear.”

Before his research, it was not clear to him. The study surprised him on every turn and it became clear that many don’t understand the “Duty to God” connection that Baden Powell intended the program to have.

Scouting Pillars of Communication to Reach LDS Leaders

The research pointed the Utah National Parks Council, BSA in a new direction that centers around six pillars that connect with and communicate to LDS leaders the “why” of Scouting.

Through surveys of stake presidents and bishops, the six pillars are in order of importance to young men leaders as the youth go through their Aaronic Priesthood/Scouting experience.

1-   Be prepared by developing a testimony of Christ and of the gospel while doing our duty to God and our country.  In the survey one stake leader described it this way:  “Bearing our testimonies around the campfire: If we take our young men to outdoor activities and forget to have them bear their testimonies around the fire, we’ve missed the purpose of Scouting.”  

2-   Be prepared through personal growth and learning to serve others through charity and doing a good turn daily.  In the survey another stake leader said:  “There are life learning experiences in an outdoor environment with other boys and men that give the boys a unique experience outside of the home that support what’s going on inside the home.”

3- Prepare to go on a mission and teach others by preparing through the Scouting program as the activity arm of the priesthood. A stake leader described it this way:  “Life is full of difficult experiences. Teaching resilience in the early years is very helpful preparation for missions, marriage and parenthood.”

4-  Be prepared by learning to do hard things. A young man will gain confidence, learn leadership skills and prepare for the future as a son of God. One survey participant offered:  “Learning how to do hard things, gain confidence and preparing for the future.”

5- Be prepared to be good fathers and husbands by following the examples of men, such as our Scout leaders, the bishopric, our prophets and the Savior.  One Stake leader explained it this way: “To develop young men through faith in God, hard work, problem solving, achievement, and character-building activities.”

6- Be prepared by learning who we are as Scouts and sons of God by keeping ourselves physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight, understanding our true nature as a son of God. Finally to quote one more Stake leader: “Many young men don’t have the opportunity to connect with others. They don’t have strong family ties, they may not make friends easily, don’t fit in well at school. Scouting provides an atmosphere where the kids can fit in with their peers. Our leaders try and do a variety of activities that interest all of the boys. Gives leadership a chance to reach the one.”

The Utah National Parks Council, BSA is grateful to Rushford Lee and the team at RED; this research will shape the message and direction of Scouting for many years to come.

Author: Darryl Alder | Strategic Initiatives Director, Utah National Parks Council, BSA
Reprinted with permission of Darryl Alder. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Venturing Update August 2014

Welcome back to the Venture’s Forum at Round Table after what should have been an exciting summer!  We look forward to hearing about some of the High Adventure Activities and achievements that your crews have accomplished.  You've all worked hard to create memorable character-building experiences for your boys.  Before those memories fade, take time with your crew to collect and assemble the photos, videos, and stories of your activities.  Make a crew photo album, journal, video, or scrapbook that everyone will be able to take with them on their journey through life and upon which they’ll be able to look back with fondness.  My own scout leader always reserved a small portion of the budget to make extra prints of photos that he took on each of our high adventure trips which we as boys placed into albums.  Today those albums are some of my most cherished possessions; they are the preserved memories of the events that shaped who I am today. Give your boys that same gift! As they face the challenges of adulthood they’ll have something that enables them to look back and remember those enriching experiences which should help to solidify the foundations of their testimonies.  

Varsity Update August 2014

We hope you all had a great summer with your Teams. And we hope that you were able to attend the Big Event. So our next big Adventure is going to be the Ultimate Varsity Challenge. If you haven't heard what this or when it is, you need to come to Huddle Night. Just MARK on your calendars for Oct. 11th.
Keep up the Good Work

Your Varsity Huddle Staff

Boy Scouts Update August 2014

August is a great month to focus on advancement.  Many boys earned multiple merit badges at summer camp and may now qualify for rank advancements.  Schedule Scoutmaster conferences and boards of review, followed by a Court of Honor.  Help your boys keep the fire burning by rewarding their hard work.

August is also a fantastic time to begin planning for next year.  The steps you take to prepare and plan now will result in a successful program next year.  Come to Roundtable to learn how to conduct the annual program planning conference and how to prepare an annual calendar.  If you can't make it, check the Boy Scout section of the Western Skies District 18 web site for information on this and many other topics.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Commissioner Corner: ATTITUDE

A scout gives his best no matter what the situation. Sometime it’s not hardtop do our best, but other times it seems as if everything is working against us. Some of us have personal difficulties or challenges, yet the goal is to still the same, to always do our best. The story of Michael J. Dowling illustrates that people can present their best even when the challenges seem overwhelming.

     Michael J. Dowling was a young man of 14 when he fell off of the back of a wagon during a blizzard. By the time his parent found him, he was severely frostbitten. His right leg was amputated almost to the hip; his left leg above the knee; his right arm was amputated as was his left hand. It seems like Michael Dowling wouldn’t have much of a future, but he was determined to get an education and be successful. He went to the board of county commissioners and told them that if they would educate him, he would pay back every penny. They agreed, and he received his education, then repaid the debt. He worked hard in his career and eventually became president of one of the largest banks in the city. Michael Dowling also married and had five children.

      During World War I, Michael Dowling traveled to Europe to visit wounded American Soldiers. On one occasion, he stayed in a large London hotel and gave a speech to some injured servicemen. As he stood on a balcony overlooking several hundred soldiers sitting in their wheelchairs, he started to tell them how fortunate they were. The fact that one had lost an eye, and another had lost an arm were no grounds for complaints. He continued talking this way, and within a few minutes the soldiers became angry and started to boo him. He then walked over to the stairway and started down the stairs toward the lobby. Michael Dowling continued telling them how fortunate they were, and they continued to boo him. Partway down the stairs, he sat down and removed his artificial right leg. At this point the soldiers calmed down a little but they still resented his remarks. Michael Dowling then took off his artificial left leg, and the hall quieted immediately. Next, he took off his right arm, and finally removed his left hand. The soldiers then understood how fortunate they were.

We have little control over the gifts life gives us. We have even less control over the challenges we each must face. However, we have complete control over our ATTITUDE and how we decide to handle the hardships we must endure.

      Remember the promise in St. Matthew the Lord gave us in Chapter 11:29-30 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. When we do all that we can and turn to the Lord for help, he will lighten our load. Reminder Scouting will help our young men become the leaders for tomorrow.

The OA and Your Golden Fleece

Jason, the hero of Ancient Greece, sought a very valuable prize - the Golden Fleece.  In order to obtain the prize he had to overcome many challenging obstacles including a dragon that didn't sleep.  There are many valuable prizes that are awarded in the scouting organization that come only after overcoming challenging obstacles such as the Eagle Scout award and becoming a member of the Order of the Arrow.  To be a member of the OA, a scout must be chosen by his troop then he must attend an Ordeal.  The Ordeal, a challenging 24 hours spent in service and quiet contemplation.  Many boys did Ordeals at scout camp over the summer and they received the valuable prize of a white sash with a red arrow.  If you know a scout who earned this please take a moment to congratulate him.  Many other boys were elected by their troops to join the OA but haven't attended an Ordeal.  There will be two opportunities to attend Ordeals this fall, one in September and one in October.  If you have a boy who needs to attend an Ordeal have him go to the lodge website at for more information.  

So your scout has earned the prize of a nice shining sash now what?   The OA monthly activity is on the same night as roundtable and at the same location.  Invite the members of your unit who are arrowmen to come with you to roundtable so they can attend their chapter activity.  Also, make one of the arrowmen in your troop a Troop OA Representative.  This is a leadership position in scouting that counts towards rank advancement.  This person's responsibilities include attending the monthly chapter activities and keeping his fellow arrowmen informed of upcoming OA activities and to encourage attendance at these activities.

If you'd like the boys of your troop to have the opportunity to be elected to the OA please contact me to set up an appointment.

The OA sash is a valuable prize.  But hopefully by being a member of the Order of the Arrow they will earn the bigger prize of learning the life changing habit of being cheerful in service.  

Yours in brotherhood,
Mark Kirkham
OA Chapter Advisor