In August of 2006 four determined Scout leaders and seven anxious boys set out with big plans to backpack 55 miles across the spine of the High Uintas. On day two it became painfully obvious that lack of adequate conditioning, experience and preparation would cut the distance far short of the intended goal. With disappointment the leaders resorted to one of their bailout strategies and arranged for a pickup at a closer, more accessible trail head on the same planned exit day, but 25 miles shy of the original destination. The leaders' hopes for earning the "50 Miler" award were quietly dashed, however, they kept their discouragement from the boys. The rest of the trip was focused on fishing, exploring, outdoor skills and camp firesides. The leaders initially felt they had failed the boys -- until they overheard those young men sharing stories and recalling with joy and satisfaction the events of that trip.
Walter Bonatti, the famed Italian mountain climber, explorer and journalist who was the first to climb the North Face of the Matterhorn in winter wisely said: "The mountains are the means, the man is the end. The idea is to improve the man, not to reach the top." As we plan and execute our "Super Activities" for next year, keep Bonatti's words in mind. Our activities might not always go as planned, but the plan really should be improving the young men.
Written by: J Ralls - District 18 Ventures